mercury lamp

mercury lamp[ˈmə:kjuri læmp] 

mercury lamp 基本解释

mercury lamp的解释


mercury lamp 网络解释

1. 水银灯:61水银灯(mercury lamp) 指一于高强度放电灯(HID),其主要藉由将水银施压105Pa(约一大气压力)以上使之放射发光而成. 62工作面上安装高度(mounting height above the work-plane) 指自工作面至灯具光源中心间之距离,

2. 汞灯:mercury lamp 水银灯 | Mercury lamp 汞灯 | meshwork lamp 网灯

3. 水银灯具:航空集散站air terminal | 水银灯具Mercury Lamp | 金属卤化物灯metal halide lamp

4. 水银灯,汞灯:118 平均塑变深度 mean depth of deformation | 119 水银灯,汞灯 mercury lamp | 120 弹药舱 magazine

mercury lamp 单语例句

1. mercury lamp的近义词

1. Chen's center has the only machine in Beijing which is able to separate mercury from broken lamp glass and collect it for proper disposal.