
merged ['mɜ:dʒd]  ['mɜ:dʒd] 




merged 基本解释
融入;混合( merge的过去式和过去分词 );相融;渐渐消失在某物中;
merged 网络解释

1. 融合,合并:Mentored 辅导 | Merged 融合,合并 | Met deadlines 到达截止日期

2. 合并的:mergecommand 归并命令 并合指令 | merged 合并的 | mergedtransistorlogic 集成注入逻辑

3. 已合并:424 'Merge' => '合并', | 425 'merged' => '已合并', | 426 'closed successful' => '成功关闭',

4. 合并, 并入, 结合:mechanized 机械化 | merged 合并, 并入, 结合, | moderated 适度地,缓和

merged 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The Economic Observer reported earlier that the two leading Chinese cargo carriers would be merged by the end of September.

2. merged

2. Wang has perfectly merged his painting skills and calligraphic technique in his works to give audience much room for imagination.

3. The foreign shareholder in the partnership changed when AMC was bought by Chrysler in 1987 and again in 1998 when Chrysler merged with Daimler.

4. As a result, more than 100 primary schools annually were closed or merged with others during the period.

5. The commission found the merged entity would only have a small market share and would continue to face numerous strong competitors after the proposed transaction.


6. Some people in the industry expect struggling domestic makers to be merged to better compete with Nokia and Motorola which are regaining their strength.

7. merged

7. In 2002, the Shenyang government merged Tiexi district into another administrative unit called " Tiexi new district ".

8. It was refused on the ground of similarity to a few trademarks owned by an affiliated company and one trademark owned by the merged company.

9. Widespread speculation that an American would head a merged department of political affairs and disarmament had complicated Ban's earlier proposal.

10. merged

10. Zhang told China Business Weekly the preferential tax breaks will likely disappear a short time after the tax systems are merged.

merged 英英释义


1. formed or united into a whole

    Synonym: incorporate incorporated integrated unified