

mesmerised 双语例句

1. In this movie, where the characters are vivid, the plot suspensive, we are mesmerised by the editor and the director.

2. Since my arrival here, I have been mesmerised by the presence of so many beautiful flowers around me.

3. I grew up in MargaretRiver and I have been mesmerised by its evolution.

4. I was so mesmerised by the essential beauty of the picture that I could hardly breathe.

5. Mesmerised by the swirling soapy water in the washing machine, my mind floated back more than 20 years.

6. And he was mesmerised.

7. We are also mesmerised by the possibility of parallels to the Great Depression.

8. There was something about Pearl that mesmerised her.

9. My mood was nice, so carried my camera with me and then went out. I think I was mesmerised in shooting.

10. The book had mesmerised Warren.

11. He was absolutely mesmerised by Pavarotti on television

12. They generally did not load up on the high-yielding bonds with high ratings that so mesmerised western lenders.

13. Investors are mesmerised by the inability of European politicians to deal with the sovereign-debt crisis and are worried about the health of the region's banks.

14. Debt managers were mesmerised by yields and did not think to ask why returns on supposedly safe assets were so high.

mesmerised 单语例句

1. But the monarchy remains rich with symbolism and ritual and the birth of a possible imperial heir had mesmerised the media.

2. But it is his early days in Europe ahead of the 1998 World Cup that Ronaldo trully excited and mesmerised.