
metalworker ['metlwɜ:kə(r)]  ['metlwɜ:kə(r)] 

metalworker 基本解释
metalworker 双语例句

1. 14 Alexander the metalworker did me a great deal of harm.
    4:14 铜匠亚力山大多多的害我。


2. Some scholars believe that this astrolabe was created by the prince in collaboration with an unnamed metalworker.

3. And soon after the Blessed One had eaten the meal provided by Cunda the metalworker, a dire sickness fell upon him, even dysentery, and he suffered sharp and deadly pains.

4. But Moses is a skilled metalworker.

5. And Cunda the metalworker, after the night had passed, had choice food, hard and soft, prepared in his abode, together with a quantity of sukara-maddava, (03) and announced it to the Blessed One, saying: It is time, O Lord, the meal is ready.
    而纯陀那个金属工人,由于晚上已经过去了,选择了食物,硬的和软的,放在他的居住点,有许多栴檀树菌茸 sukara-maddava ,宣布这是圣尊,并说:时间到了,哦,主,晚饭已经准备好了。


6. A metalworker doesn't make shoes, and a shoemaker doesn't make weapons.

metalworker 单语例句

1. Former metalworker and veteran leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva won Brazil's presidential runoff vote on Sunday after his rival Jose Serra conceded defeat.

metalworker 英英释义


1. someone who works metal (especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable)

    Synonym: smith