meter reading

meter reading[ˈmi:tə ˈri:diŋ] 

meter reading 基本解释
meter reading 网络解释

1. 抄表:爱瑞德无线远传抄表信息管理系统简介 抄表(meter reading)是计费流程(billing process)中最为重要,最体现价值的环节. 其目的是为了将准确读数尽可能快速而有效的传送至收...

2. 计数读数:meter pump 计数泵,测量泵 | meter reading 计数读数 | methode 方法,方式,程序

3. 仪表读数:meteorology 气象学 | meter reading 仪表读数 | meter 测量仪器

4. 计数器读数,仪表读数:meter rate ==> 电表计费率=>従量料金制 | meter reading ==> 计数器读数,仪表读数 | meter regulator ==> 计量器

meter reading 英英释义


1. meter reading是什么意思

1. the act of measuring with meters or similar instruments

    e.g. he has a job meter reading for the gas company

    Synonym: reading


2. a datum about some physical state that is presented to a user by a meter or similar instrument

    e.g. he could not believe the meter reading
           the barometer gave clear indications of an approaching storm

    Synonym: reading indication