
miasm [m'ɪæzəm]  [m'ɪæzəm] 

miasm 基本解释

[医] 瘴毒,瘴气

miasm 网络解释


1. 顺势疗法中所指的患某种病的趋势:Lamaism 喇嘛教 | miasm 顺势疗法中所指的患某种病的趋势 | monism 一神论

2. 瘴毒:miaroliticcavity 晶洞 | miasm 瘴毒 | miasma 瘴毒

miasm 英英释义


1. unhealthy vapors rising from the ground or other sources

    e.g. the miasma of the marshes
           a miasma of cigar smoke

    Synonym: miasma

2. miasm

2. an unwholesome atmosphere

    e.g. the novel spun a miasma of death and decay

    Synonym: miasma