
microchip [ˈmaɪkrəʊtʃɪp]  [ˈmaɪkroʊtʃɪp] 


microchip 基本解释

名词微晶片; 微型集成电路片

microchip 网络解释

1. 微型芯片:踏入21世纪,人类憧憬着日新月异的高科技产品会带来更舒适、更方便的生活,例如:使用流动视像电话(videophone)通讯;透过电子网络银行(cyberbanking)理财;使用能够量度体重和化验尿液、粪便的马桶,紧密了解自己的健康状况;透过植入体内的微型芯片(microchip

2. 微 晶 片:IBM表示,将与欧盟国的企业、学校合作研发新技术,侦测微晶片(microchip)瑕疵,以改善晶片的可靠度与效能,预计将能加快晶片生产、降低生产成本.

3. (微芯):在8位单片机厂商风云榜中,微芯(Microchip)公司坐在头把交椅. 据研究机构Gartner数据显示,微芯的8位单片机在全球的销售额和付运量均排名第一. 上周二,微芯科技公司在北京召开发布会,

microchip 词典解释

1. microchip

1. 微型集成电路片;芯片
    A microchip is a very small piece of silicon inside a computer. It has electronic circuits on it and can hold large quantities of information or perform mathematical and logical operations.

microchip 单语例句

1. microchip的反义词

1. A traditional collar and tag or an implanted microchip will help identify the animals later, for example.

2. However, it was the company's countermeasure to Microchip's initial attack.

3. microchip

3. The remainder comes through microchip designs and turnkey services that develop initial specifications into packaged and tested chips.

4. He cites microchip manufacturing as an example, where even a microsecond of interruption can cause disaster.

5. ICVS has a universal microchip scanner and will scan all pets for free to ensure existing microchips are in working order.

6. microchip的近义词

6. A decision on Microchip's other accusation of copyright infringement is still pending.

7. The case evolved as Microchip filed a second lawsuit shortly thereafter seeking to invalidate a series of Haier's patents.

8. FIFA will consider using an electronic microchip inside soccer balls at the 2006 World Cup finals if the technology proves successful.

9. The city will track the dogs that receive their annual rabies shot by inserting a microchip beneath their fur.

10. Last year on April 1 the company unveiled a pen with microchip tracking so no one could pinch it.

microchip 英英释义


1. electronic equipment consisting of a small crystal of a silicon semiconductor fabricated to carry out a number of electronic functions in an integrated circuit

    Synonym: chip micro chip silicon chip microprocessor chip