middle ages

middle ages

middle ages 基本解释



middle ages 网络解释

1. 中古时代:后来,罗马人 (Romans)将兔子传到法国,和包括英国在内的欧州其它国家. 在中古时代(Middle Ages)的法国,饲养兔子主要目的是作为食用. 经过不断的繁殖和交配,也是造成现今有许多不同品种的主要原因.

2. 中古:The High Middle Ages相关词的翻译: | 中古:middle ages | 中世:Middle Ages

3. 中世:中古:middle ages | 中世:Middle Ages | 中世纪中后期:high and late Middle Ages

middle ages 词典解释

1. (欧洲历史上的)中世纪(指公元476年罗马帝国灭亡至公元1500年左右这段时期,尤指这段时期的后半部分)
    In European history, the Middle Ages was the period between the end of the Roman Empire in 476 AD and about 1500 AD, especially the later part of this period.

middle ages 单语例句

1. It dates way back to the middle ages when trade guilds were active in helping their members and the wider poor.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Although western Europe in the middle ages was not under a completely theocratic system, the integration of religion and politics was the guarantee of the feudal serf system.

3. Is anyone in the world willing to return to the dark Middle Ages?

4. middle ages是什么意思

4. The society of old Tibet under feudal serfdom was even more dark and backward than in Europe in the Middle Ages.

5. middle ages的近义词

5. It seems that the system of western European serfdom in the Middle Ages was quite similar to the Tibetan feudal serfdom under theocracy.

6. The European Middle Ages artistic relief and the thick carpets embroidered with bird patterns create a strong flavour of classical European architecture.

7. I am not advocating a return to the early Middle Ages, when Church usury laws forbade interest on loans.

8. The story takes place in the Middle Ages in the Kingdom of the Grail.

9. Sweden emerged as an independent and unified country during the Middle Ages.

10. Venice was a strong maritime power during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, stretching across 118 small islands in the marshy saltwater Venetian lagoon.

middle ages 英英释义


1. the period of history between classical antiquity and the Italian Renaissance

    Synonym: Dark Ages