
midget [ˈmɪdʒɪt]  [ˈmɪdʒɪt] 



midget 基本解释




midget 网络解释


1. 微型的,袖珍的:mid frequency 中频 | midget 微型的,袖珍的 | midwifery forceps 产钳

2. 侏儒 英国利兰公司美洲豹.罗孚.凯旋部:Midas 迈达斯 英国迈达斯公司 | Midget 侏儒 英国利兰公司美洲豹.罗孚.凯旋部 | Mini 米尼 意大利诺瓦.英诺森蒂公司

3. 小型:midfan中部洪积扇 | midget小型 | MidlandBank米兰银行

midget 词典解释

1. 侏儒;矮子;矬子
    People who are very short are sometimes referred to as midgets .

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 微型的;非常小的
    Midget is used to describe something which is very small.

    e.g. ...midget submarines.

midget 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. In it I play a dwarf, and he had me shove a midget down a toilet.

2. midget的解释

2. But no one on the show ever had to eat a three fingered circus midget's hand either.

3. Johnny Depp shoves " a midget down a toilet " in Ricky Gervais'new TV series.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. The hospital took photos of the midget and last year, the patient found his pictures on the hospital's welcome board.

5. midget是什么意思

5. Iran has also started building midget submarines, which it says are capable of firing torpedoes.

6. midget

6. Don't ask me why I thought this because I have never met a circus midget, much less one with three fingers.

7. You can see the clouded eyes of a blind woman as she is led by a fingerless midget who insistently bows to seated passengers.

midget 英英释义



1. a person who is markedly small

    Synonym: dwarf nanus


1. midget是什么意思

1. very small

    e.g. diminutive in stature
           a lilliputian chest of drawers
           her petite figure
           tiny feet
           the flyspeck nation of Bahrain moved toward democracy

    Synonym: bantam diminutive lilliputian petite tiny flyspeck