
mildly [ˈmaɪldli]  [ˈmaɪldli] 

mildly 基本解释

副词和善地; 轻微地; 说得委婉些; 说得好听一点

mildly 相关例句


1. I was only mildly interested in the report I heard from radio.

2. She complained loudly to the owner of the store, who answered her mildly.

mildly 网络解释

1. 温和地, 适度地:- unquestioning 不加疑问的 | - mildly 温和地, 适度地 | - fallacious 谬误的

2. 温和地, 适度地, 略微:bond graph 键合图 | mildly 温和地, 适度地, 略微 | a fish 没出息的人, 放荡的人

3. 柔和地:mildewy 发霉的 | mildly 柔和地 | mildness 温和

4. 温和地, 和善地:6. ballistic 弹道的 | 7. mildly 温和地, 和善地 | 8. compatible 能共处的; 可并立的

mildly 词典解释

1. -> see mild

2. 说得委婉一些;说得轻一些
    You use to put it mildly to indicate that you are describing something in language that is much less strong, direct, or critical than what you really think.

    e.g. But not all the money, to put it mildly, has been used wisely...
    e.g. To say we are disappointed about this is putting it mildly.

mildly 单语例句

1. His research has shown that people are more creative when they let themselves daydream or do only mildly engaging mental tasks.

2. Avoid relying on these as they have a mildly diuretic effect - especially if you are unaccustomed to caffeinated drinks.

3. Concerns are growing that an overreaction might flood hospitals with only mildly sick patients and unnecessarily harm businesses.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Adults usually recover from mildly elevated lead levels, but children can suffer permanent impairment of their intelligence.

5. I am a mildly physically challenged person who attended the Young Advocates Program organized by the British Council and China Disabled Persons'Federation.

6. mildly

6. Three of the nine rivers that border the lake were reportedly heavily contaminated, while the water quality of the other six was described as mildly polluted or intermediate.

7. mildly

7. As for Makelele's decision not to train, the Real Madrid keeper was mildly supportive.

8. The ministry said new cases had been steadily declining since May 1, and the newly hospitalized were mostly mildly ill.

9. mildly的翻译

9. The company regards the mildly encouraging market conditions prevailing in the real economy and on the financial markets as still fragile.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Steamed rice soup with eight treasures is a good mildly sweet dessert, with ingredients such as sunflower seeds and red beans.

mildly 英英释义


1. to a moderate degree

    e.g. he was mildly interested

2. in a gentle manner

    e.g. he talked gently to the injured animal

    Synonym: gently