
militarist ['mɪlɪtərɪst]  ['mɪlɪtərɪst] 



militarist 基本解释


militarist 网络解释

1. 军阀:fellow countrymen 同胞 | militarist军阀 | Chinese Communist Party 党组织

2. 军事家:militarism 职业军人精神 | militarist 军事家 | militaristic 军国主义的

3. 军国主义分子:lobbyist说客 | militarist军国主义分子 | moderatist温和派分子

4. 军国主义者,军事家:militarism 军国主义 | militarist 军国主义者,军事家 | militaristic 军国主义的

militarist 词典解释

1. 军国主义者;穷兵黩武者
    If you describe someone as a militarist, you mean that they want their country's armed forces to be strengthened in order to make it more powerful.

    e.g. They became overheated nationalists, militarists, and they were out to conquer.

2. 同 militaristic
    Militarist means the same as militaristic .

    e.g. ...militarist policies.

militarist 单语例句

1. militarist的意思

1. It is seen by critics as a symbol of the militarist regime that led Japan into World War II.

2. Ties were frayed by Koizumi's controversial visits to a Tokyo war shrine seen as a symbol of Japan's militarist past.

3. Japan reportedly may not be able to clean up all the wartime chemical weapons that its militarist army left behind in China before 2012.

4. It isn't even the beginning of the end for the nation's militarist adventurism.

5. Within the frames of US militarist discourse, these acts are not provocations but rather prudent exercises in pursuit of the national interest.

6. The visits have riled neighboring countries, who consider the shrine a glorification of Japan's militarist past.

7. militarist的反义词

7. Japan would be traveling down a blind alley if it were to return to the old militarist ways that led to World War II.

8. Japanese leaders have apologized for the country's militarist past many times, but the government contends that all reparations issues were settled by treaties after the war.

9. militarist的解释

9. That in itself is a situation which cannot obtain under the present jingoistic aspirations of the militarist factions within the LDP.

10. Many reformed criminals became peace activists and opponents of militarist forces in Japan.

militarist 英英释义


1. a person who advocates war or warlike policies

    Synonym: warmonger