
milk [mɪlk]  [mɪlk] 






milk 基本解释

名词奶; 母乳; 乳液

及物动词挤奶; 榨取

milk 相关词组


1. in milk : adv. 在授乳期中;

2. cry over spilt milk : 作无益的后悔;

milk 相关例句



1. The Congressman was too experienced to be milked by newspaper men.

2. Corrupt officials milked the common people dry.

3. She is milking the cow.


1. The cows milk well.

milk 网络解释


1. (乳):成为人们食用的进行商品生产销售流通的有各种家畜的乳,而大宗生产消费的乳用品种乳牛产的乳,即通常称谓的牛乳(milk),牛乳作为乳制品原料,称为生乳或原乳(rew milk),原料乳更确切的说是榨乳时,去掉初乳和未乳取其中段的常乳.

2. 鲜奶:olada) 鲜奶(Milk) 蜂蜜(Honey) 蓝柑汁(Blue Curacao Syrup) 薄荷蜜(Peppermint Syrup) 可尔必思(Calpis) 葡萄糖浆(Grape Syrup) 重要果汁 柳橙汁、凤梨汁、番茄汁 葡萄柚汁、葡萄制、芭乐汁 苹果汁、小红莓果汁 运动饮料、杨桃制、椰子汁 备用配料 杏仁露、豆蔻粉、芹菜粉 红樱桃、绿樱桃、香草片 洋葱粒、橄榄粒、辣椒酱

milk 词典解释

1. (牛、羊等的)奶
    Milk is the white liquid produced by cows, goats, and some other animals, which people drink and use to make butter, cheese, and yoghurt.

    e.g. He popped out to buy a pint of milk.
    e.g. ...basic foods such as meat, bread and milk.

2. 给(牛、羊)挤奶;挤…的奶
    If someone milks a cow or goat, they get milk from it, using either their hands or a machine.

    e.g. Farm-workers milked cows by hand.

milking automatic milking machine...
The evening milking is usually done at about 7.30pm.

3. 母乳
    Milk is the white liquid produced by women to feed their babies.

    e.g. Milk from the mother's breast is a perfect food for the human baby.

4. milk

4. (清洁皮肤或使其柔嫩的)乳液
    Liquid products for cleaning your skin or making it softer are sometimes referred to as milks .

    e.g. ...sales of cleansing milks, creams and gels.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. 榨取;剥削
    If you say that someone milks something, you mean that they get as much benefit or profit as they can from it, without caring about the effects this has on other people.

    e.g. A few people tried to milk the insurance companies...
    e.g. The callous couple milked money from a hospital charity to fund a lavish lifestyle.

6. see also: coconut milk;condensed milk;evaporated milk;skimmed milk

7. milk

7. (建议、观点)淡而无味的,软弱无力的,不痛不痒的
    If you think that someone's suggestions or ideas are weak or sentimental, you can say that they are milk and water.

    e.g. Fryer dismisses the report as 'milk and water'.

milk 单语例句

1. As butter made from yak or goat milk melts in warm weather, butter sculptures have to be made in the coldest months of the year.

2. Nicolas Tse is making movies day and night so he'll have " enough money to buy milk " for his baby when it arrives in May.

3. Never count on mothers to buy Sanlu milk for their babies just because a national industry will collapse otherwise.

4. After the recent milk formula scandal, many mothers are worried about it and feel safer buying imported goods.

5. And " the buying process for fresh milk is basically out of control ".

6. If butter and milk become expensive, then you will see media reports that the Chinese are buying up our milk.

7. By comparison, the country's leading dairy products company Mengniu has 32 percent of the milk market.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. Five wholesalers suspected of distributing substandard or fake milk powders in Fuyang had been arrested by local police by Wednesday night.

9. She had a Caesarean section to deliver her baby son and was given milk powder to feed him for six months.

10. milk的解释

10. Although milk is regarded as inherently nutritious with high calcium content, consumers are increasingly likely to prefer milk fortified with healthy ingredients.

milk 英英释义


1. produced by mammary glands of female mammals for feeding their young

2. milk是什么意思

2. a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings

3. any of several nutritive milklike liquids


1. take milk from female mammals

    e.g. Cows need to be milked every morning

2. add milk to

    e.g. milk the tea

3. exploit as much as possible

    e.g. I am milking this for all it's worth