

mind 单语例句

1. Starting a business would put his parents'mind at ease that he will not end up jobless after three years of tuition payments.

2. What pops into your mind when you come across a buttery ear of corn?

3. But it should be borne in mind that the Chinese Government will act reasonably and cautiously on the issue of imposing sanctions against the DPRK.

4. Freud's early work in psychology and psychoanalysis endeavored to understand and cure the human mind by means of hypnosis.

5. mind的意思

5. Ban is calm by nature, very observant and has a quick mind.

6. The second round of stress tests by the European Banking Authority is ostensibly designed with this end in mind.

7. GM showed off its new Cadillac CTS sedan, which it said was designed with China in mind.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. Market survey company Ipsos SA recently conducted an online survey that asked respondents which Olympic Worldwide Partner they could first call to mind.

9. Take advantage of the season and calm your mind by reaching a deeper state of relaxation and awareness while shaping up your physique.

10. Although I wouldn't mind a cameo - that would be fun.