
minimal [ˈmɪnɪməl]  [ˈmɪnəməl] 

minimal 基本解释


形容词极小的; <正式>最小的,极少的


minimal 反义词



minimal 相关例句


1. Fortunately, the storm only did minimal damage to the crops.

2. Fortunately, the storm only did minimal damage to the farmer's crops.

minimal 网络解释

1. 极少主义:在这个意义上说,它是极简主义(minimalism)向极少主义(Minimal)迈进的作品. 看完影片,会发现Apichatpong Weerasethakul并没有真正讲述一宗谋杀案,留在印象中的故事线索,既难以复述,而且随着时间的推移呈现出一种完全淡化的状态.

2. 最小:标准约束理论预测照应语与代词在其最小(minimal)管辖域内应处于一种互补分布,而实际上来自各种语言的例证都显示,这种互补分布并不存在. 就是在英语中,代词也可以在局部区域(local domain)内受约束,如下所示:而在弗里斯兰语(Frisian)中,

minimal 词典解释


1. 最小的;极少的;最低限度的
    Something that is minimal is very small in quantity, value, or degree.

    e.g. The co-operation between the two is minimal...
    e.g. One aim of these reforms is effective defence with minimal expenditure.

He was paid, but only minimally...
I was minimally successful.
minimal 单语例句

1. It's a sector that requires minimal capital investment and generates no pollutants.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Seven of them have a capital adequacy ratio above the minimal regulatory requirement of 8 per cent.

3. I refer to varying margin requirements and the minimal capital requirements of banks.

4. Progressives should hang their heads in shame at the minimal amount of activism taking place against the banks and the escalating numbers of foreclosures.

5. Today's workload may be minimal, giving you a chance to catch up on your duties.

6. Many other countries display their history in museums for free, or for a minimal charge.

7. They also made minimal use of their lamps to conserve electricity, using the light only to check ventilation.

8. Eagle County Judge Frederick Gannett chided prosecutors for presenting " a minimal amount of evidence, " but said it was enough to order the trial.

9. It's a major challenge to a choreographer to make maximum impact from such minimal material.

10. Nearly all the clandestine factories have minimal safety standards and fatal explosions are a regular occurrence.

minimal 英英释义



1. minimal的近义词

1. the least possible

    e.g. needed to enforce minimal standards
           her grades were minimal
           minimum wage
           a minimal charge for the service

    Synonym: minimum