
mint [mɪnt]  [mɪnt] 







mint 基本解释

名词薄荷; 铸币厂; 大量,尤指钱; 来源

及物动词铸造,铸币; 发明或创造

形容词崭新的,完美的; 未损坏的

mint 相关例句



1. The book was still in mint condition.


1. It is newly minted jargon.

2. These coins were minted in China hundreds of years ago.


1. The Mint has decided to issue the coins next year.

2. Father left him a mint of money.

mint 网络解释

1. 造币厂:5:造币厂(Mint):把铜矿加工成钱币,一个城市只能建造一个造币厂,每年带来200的收入,虽然不多但它更主要的作用在于提高贸易的收入,使用钱币有利于贸易.

2. 薄荷色:颜色 薄荷色(Mint)|乳白色(ivory)尺码:小码|中码颜色:薄荷色(Mint)|乳白色(ivory)面料:毛织混纺尺码小码:总长:33cm 腰围:32cm 臀围:41cm 中码:总长:33cm 腰围:34cm 臀围:43cm

3. 薄荷叶:材料:培根 洋菇 香菜梗 柠檬 白酒 大蒜 巴西里(parsley)帕尔玛干酪盐 胡椒 橄榄油 spaghetti材料: 得来不易的小羊排 橄榄油 香草籽(vanilla) 香菜籽(Coriandrum seeds) 茴香籽(fennel seeds)孜然(Cumin) 薄荷叶(mint)月桂叶(bay l

4. mint:methylated in tumor; 个肿瘤甲基化

mint 词典解释

1. 薄荷
    Mint is a herb with fresh-tasting leaves.

    e.g. Garnish with mint sprigs.

2. 薄荷糖
    A mint is a sweet with a peppermint flavour. Some people suck mints in order to make their breath smell fresher.

3. 铸币厂
    The mint is the place where the official coins of a country are made.

    e.g. In 1965 the mint stopped putting silver in dimes.

4. 铸造(硬币、奖章)
    To mint coins or medals means to make them in a mint.

    e.g. ...the right to mint coins.
    e.g. ...its collection of locally minted Saxon coins.

...the minting of new gold coins.

5. 巨额钱财
    If you say that someone makes a mint, you mean that they make a very large amount of money.

    e.g. Everybody thinks I'm making a mint...
    e.g. They were worth a mint.

6. 完美;完好无缺
    If you say that something is in mint condition, you mean that it is in perfect condition.

mint 单语例句

1. Add chopped parsley, mint and tomato paste if desired at the time of usage.

2. mint

2. The chef will discover classical aromas and unusual flavors based on key ingredients like cheese, mint and passion fruit.

3. It has a 72% cocoa content and the perfect amount of mint that just makes it refreshing instead of overbearing.

4. Nature's constant renewal is in evidence as fresh, mint green leaves sprout from the earth under which lie two millennia of the dead.

5. The " Godless " coins were all believed to have come from the Philadelphia Mint.

6. The coins will be produced by Shenzhen Guobao Mint and Shenyang Mint, and distributed by the China Gold Coin Incorporation.

7. mint的意思

7. The 13 spots include a prison, a mint and a former government agency for legislation and taxation services.

8. I marinate them in lime and add a sprinkle of chopped mint and rosemary from my herb patch.

9. The drinks are made with natural ingredients including mango puree with honey and yogurt, mint lemonade made of fresh lemon juice with fresh mint leaves and sugar syrup.

10. mint的反义词

10. Add some mint oil to the water tank of the humidifier to relieve a stuffy nose..

mint 英英释义


1. mint

1. a plant where money is coined by authority of the government

2. a candy that is flavored with a mint oil

    Synonym: mint candy

3. the leaves of a mint plant used fresh or candied

4. any member of the mint family of plants

5. mint的意思

5. any north temperate plant of the genus Mentha with aromatic leaves and small mauve flowers

6. mint

6. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent

    e.g. a batch of letters
           a deal of trouble
           a lot of money
           he made a mint on the stock market
           see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos
           it must have cost plenty
           a slew of journalists
           a wad of money

    Synonym: batch deal flock good deal great deal hatful heap lot mass mess mickle mountain muckle passel peck pile plenty pot quite a little raft sight slew spate stack tidy sum wad



1. form by stamping, punching, or printing

    e.g. strike coins
           strike a medal

    Synonym: coin strike