
mirroring ['mɪrərɪŋ]  ['mɪrərɪŋ] 








mirroring 基本解释



动词反射; 反映( mirror的现在分词 ); 映照; 将(玻璃)喷镀成镜子

mirroring 网络解释

1. 镜像:□ 镜像(mirroring)数据从一个磁盘控制器(信道)复制到两个磁盘驱动器. 如果一个驱动程序坏了,另一个仍可操作. □ 复置(duplexing)数据通过两个磁盘信道复制到两个磁盘驱动器. 这种方法将容错功能扩展到了磁盘控制器.

2. 镜象:另外,该主板还内建了IDE RAID的芯片,若使用两颗硬盘,可有硬盘交错(striping)、镜象(mirroring)的功能,使平台操作起来更加稳定及快速. 这款主板支持技嘉科技独一无二的超频悍将及@BIOS,这样就可以从Internet上来更新BIOS,

3. 反射:这也就是说,做母亲的需要为孩子提供一个心理、行为、情绪的参照系统,母亲与孩子之间的相互心理反射(mirroring)和摹仿,会给孩子一个指引,而孩子的自我意识,情绪和行为模式也会随之加以调节和改进.

4. 反映:Lachman-Chapin认为治疗师对患者的共情反映(mirroring)是重要的治疗手段和技术. 绘画艺术治疗中,这种共情反映是以绘画对话的形式进行. 患者完成绘画后,治疗师依据患者绘画所表现出的需要水平,共情地用绘画作为回应.

mirroring 单语例句

1. The Arab News newspaper said the gunmen dragged a body behind a car, mirroring an attack earlier this month in western Saudi Arabia.

2. mirroring

2. Especially in autumn when the leaves are red and gold, mirroring the flames on the barbecue.

3. Its accuracy in mirroring the warmth of the economy has long been in doubt.

4. By mirroring what they would encounter, the technology allows them to become familiar with St Jude's products.

5. The meeting, is greatly enlarged this year mirroring increasing security concerns around the world.

6. Amidst this island's intricately designed gardens, ponds and pavilions are the famed " Three Towers Mirroring the Moon ".

7. mirroring的反义词

7. In effect, internationalizing the yuan must be seen as mirroring China's economic might.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Down the valley there was a small reservoir mirroring the white clouds in the azure sky.

9. Another 144 new trains will be added to the Line 2, an underground loop line mirroring the second ring road in downtown Beijing.