
mischief [ˈmɪstʃɪf]  [ˈmɪstʃɪf] 


mischief 基本解释


名词恶作剧; 损害,危害; 顽皮,淘气; 祸根

mischief 相关词组


1. keep out of mischief : 不胡闹;

2. play the mischief with : 搞乱;

mischief 网络解释

1. 恶作剧:五月二十日 生日花:粟树花(Horse Chestnut) 花 语:恶作剧(Mischief)受到这种花祝福而生的人是一个可爱的小顽童,时常替周遭的人带来欢笑. 不过开开玩笑无伤大雅,但是可别把恋爱也当成一场游戏!

2. 淘气:(注:小姐长官(Miss Chief)与淘气(mischief)读音相同)无论有什么惩罚,我仍然淘气. 我一直在淘气!当第一次某事情发生,这是超越语言的,生命发生在你身上,生命在敲你的门. 当终极在敲你的门,你只是简单地超越了语言--你变哑了,你无法说,

3. 危害:种积极的公益效应. 如果仅从消除公共危害(Mischief)方面来谈法律的目标,可以把立法分类定义的特点或特

mischief 词典解释

1. mischief的意思

1. 恶作剧;淘气;使坏的念头
    Mischief is playing harmless tricks on people or doing things you are not supposed to do. It can also refer to the desire to do this.

    e.g. The little lad was a real handful. He was always up to mischief...
    e.g. Boys at that age should be able to explore and go off on their own, go on bike rides, get into mischief...

2. 惹麻烦之事;引起问题的行为;损害;麻烦
    Mischief is behaviour that is intended to cause trouble for people. It can also refer to the trouble that is caused.

    e.g. The more sinister explanation is that he is about to make mischief in the Middle East again...
    e.g. They withdrew their support after the President described the conference as a platform to cause political mischief.

mischief 单语例句

1. Named Loki after the Norse God of Mischief, the infant primate has been raised by hand after his mother died soon after birth.

2. It is also clear to me that the US Central Intelligence Agency is supporting the Uighurs and trying to create mischief.

3. mischief的意思

3. The computer mischief appeared to have been targeting the CIA's public website, which includes no classified data and has no impact on the CIA's operation.

4. It is a worldwide organized disturbance to cause mischief and embarrassment when the Beijing Olympic Games is just months away.

5. A neighbor said he heard a loud noise about the time of the shooting and thought it was simply Halloween mischief.

6. mischief的意思

6. The plane was later disassembled to locate the sparrow and of course Zheng was harshly criticized for the mischief.

7. I myself was not above bringing the mischief to any number of hotel rooms.

8. You put out sweet treats to appease the roaming spirits or ghosts that may do mischief if they are not properly acknowledged.

9. There is a certain mischief and pride to his words that Tracy McGrady also projected while seated at a nearby table.

10. Psychologists said the phenomenon reflects typical teenage hormones and lack of judgment, with technology multiplying the potential for mischief.

mischief 英英释义


1. reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others

    Synonym: mischief-making mischievousness deviltry devilry devilment rascality roguery roguishness shenanigan

2. the quality or nature of being harmful or evil

    Synonym: maleficence balefulness