
misguided [ˌmɪsˈgaɪdɪd]  [mɪsˈɡaɪdɪd] 




misguided 基本解释

形容词误入歧途的; 被误导的; 搞错的


misguided 网络解释


1. 被误导的:misguide 误导 | misguided 被误导的 | mishandled 不能处理

2. 误解:Please... accept my...|请接受我的... | ...misguided...|误解 | - How concerned should I be? - It was a misunderstanding.|-我是不是该操心? -纯属是个误会

3. 被误导了的:rail against 责骂 | misguided 被误导了的 | bigot 顽固者

misguided 词典解释

1. misguided的翻译

1. (观点、计划)受错误思想引导的;(人)被错误地引导的,被引入歧途的
    If you describe an opinion or plan as misguided, you are critical of it because you think it is based on an incorrect idea. You can also describe people as misguided.

    e.g. In a misguided attempt to be funny, he manages only offensiveness...
    e.g. He is misguided in expecting honesty from her.

misguided 单语例句

1. Handle misguided situations in a professional manner and you'll come out on top.

2. misguided的意思

2. But even if the popular conception about western markets is misguided, they may well bear certain idiosyncrasies.

3. The high rate of abortions among college and even high school students these days is probably one consequence of such misguided education.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. Not only does the revised textbook contain misguided descriptions, it also omits historical facts about Japan's shameful acts of cruelty.

5. The policy shift came a day after Egypt began slaughtering thousands of pigs in a misguided effort to prevent swine flu.

6. A small number of misguided opposition supporters broke ranks during the July 1 protest march and deliberately blocked traffic for hours in busy Central.

7. The Japanese rightwing has played a particularly despicable role in fanning this misguided sentiment.

8. The minority Australian Democrats said the government was assisting a US defense policy which was " deeply misguided and aggressive ".

9. US President Bush has dismissed Kyoto as too costly and misguided for excluding developing nations from the first phase to 2012.

10. misguided的近义词

10. Chinese history has produced folklore traditions and some misguided practices regarding maternity issues and child rearing.

misguided 英英释义


1. wrong in e.g. opinion or judgment

    e.g. well-meaning but misguided teachers
           a mistaken belief
           mistaken identity

    Synonym: mistaken

2. poorly conceived or thought out

    e.g. an ill-conceived plan to take over the company

    Synonym: ill-conceived