
moldy ['məʊldɪ]  [ˈmoldi] 

moldy 基本解释


形容词发霉的; 破旧的

moldy 网络解释

1. 发霉的, 腐臭的:adventuristic 冒险主义的 | moldy 发霉的, 腐臭的 | normal inching turning 正转点动

2. 发霉的:10. stagnant 污浊的 | 11. moldy 发霉的 | 12. unpretentious 谦逊的

3. 发霉的,过时的,令人沮丧的:desert:沙漠,离弃. | moldy:发霉的,过时的,令人沮丧的. | entrance:入口,通道.

4. 發霉之:Frigid 酷寒之 | Moldy 發霉之 | Gaudy 炫耀之

moldy 词典解释

1. -> see mouldy

moldy 单语例句

1. Once aired, the clothes will not become moldy or be damaged by worms.

2. The moldy tofu is then placed in jars and covered in alcoholic brine.

moldy 英英释义



1. covered with or smelling of mold

    e.g. moldy bread
           a moldy (or musty) odor

    Synonym: mouldy musty