
molehill [ˈməʊlhɪl]  [ˈmoʊlhɪl] 


molehill 基本解释


molehill 网络解释


1. 琐事:molecule 分子 | molehill 琐事 | moleskin 鼹鼠皮

2. 鼹鼠丘:144. slope:斜坡 | 145. molehill:鼹鼠丘 | 146. hamlet:小村庄

3. 鼹鼠丘(因鼹鼠打洞而鼓起的土堆):7. superstition [??????????????] 迷信; 迷信行为 | 8. molehill [????????] 鼹鼠丘(因鼹鼠打洞而鼓起的土堆) | 9. horoscope [??????????] 占星术; 星象(算命)

4. 蚁山:moleelectronics 分子电子学 | molehill 蚁山 | molehill 鼹鼠丘

molehill 词典解释

1. (由鼹鼠打洞扒出的泥土堆成的)鼹鼠丘
    A molehill is a small pile of earth made by a mole digging a tunnel.

2. 小题大做;大惊小怪
    If you say that someone is making a mountain out of a molehill, you are critical of them for making an unimportant fact or difficulty seem like a serious one.

    e.g. The British press, making a mountain out of a molehill, precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis.

molehill 单语例句

1. I think you guys just make a mountain out of a molehill.

2. That's why Google and its US boss are making a mountain out of a molehill in China.

3. Some politicians are making a mountain out of the molehill of problematic Chinese products.

4. Otherwise, all those experts would be making a mountain out of a molehill.

molehill 英英释义



1. molehill

1. a mound of earth made by moles while burrowing