1. He lives a life of monastic simplicity.
1. 僧侣:monastery 修道院 | monastic 僧侣 | monastical 僧院的
2. 僧袍袖:5.draped :垂褶袖 | 6.monastic :僧袍袖 | 7.pinch-and-twist :袖里钉纽扣的袖子
3. 修道院的,僧侣的:misogynist 厌恶女人的人 | monastic 修道院的,僧侣的 | optometrist 验光师
4. 修士:拜占庭帝国 Byzantine Empire | 修士 monastic | 神职人员 clergy
1. 僧侣的;修士(或修女的);修道院的
Monastic means relating to monks or to a monastery.
e.g. He was drawn to the monastic life.
e.g. ...monastic orders.
1. monastic
1. The holy site of Lumbini is bordered by a large monastic zone, in which only monasteries can be built.
2. These are embodied by the monks and others who live a strict monastic life there, and their spiritual leader who guides them.
3. Besides a monastic hall and a martial arts institution, the plan of the new temple includes a Shaolin garden and a heritage museum.
4. So as not to be disturbed in the cause of advancing his mind, he chose a monastic life to benefit others.
1. a male religious living in a cloister and devoting himself to contemplation and prayer and work
Synonym: monk
1. of communal life sequestered from the world under religious vows
Synonym: cloistered cloistral conventual monastical