money supply

money supply [ˈmʌni səˈplai]  [ˈmʌni səˈplaɪ] 

money supply 基本解释


money supply 网络解释

money supply的意思

1. 货币供应:影响经济嘅力量而言,货币供应(Money Supply)大于利率改变. 2001年起美国K又再大幅上升,尤其系「九.一一惨剧」之后,不过,踏入去年美国K增长率已极低[图一]. 2001年起K 增长率上升,令美国经济2001年11月起复苏,美股2002年10月起回升,

2. 货币供应量:整体来看,该指标十大成分指数中有九个指数录得下滑,货币供应量(money supply)是唯一上涨的成分指数,月率上扬1.8个百分点. 由于从去年下半年就饱受困扰的汽车行业在新的一年面临更大的困难、并开始全面停产,三个和制造业相关的指数一齐出现下跌,

3. 货币供给:货币供给(money supply)是指某一国或货币区的银行系统向经济体中投入、创造、扩张(或收缩)货币的金融过程. 货币供给指一个国家在某一特定时点上由家庭和厂商持有的政府和银行系统以外的货币总和.

4. 货币供给量:所谓货币政策,就是指透过调整利率和控制货币供给量(money supply)等手段来影响经济景气的做法(如图二). 中央银行透过公开巿场操作,存款准备率政策以及重贴现率政策等三种货币政策工具来影响和控制银行体系的准备金数量,影响存款货币的供给,

money supply 词典解释

1. 货币供应量
    The money supply is the total amount of money in a country's economy at any one time.

    e.g. They believed that controlling the money supply would reduce inflation.

money supply 单语例句

1. It is generally believed that higher reserve requirements would slow down money supply, which would dampen trading on the stock market as less capital flows in.

2. These fields are quietly " devouring " capital, balancing the seemingly excessive money supply in circulation.

3. money supply的反义词

3. After private capital floods into the financial sector, the money supply shortage will probably be solved.

4. To " control money supply and credit and stabilize inflation expectations ", the central bank raised the interest rate again on August 22.

5. The central bank said the move is aimed to " control money supply and credit, and stabilize inflation expectation ".

6. The central bank said it raised the interest rate to " control money supply and credit, and stabilize inflation expectation ".


7. The central bank's purchase of foreign exchange with renminbi has become a major source of money supply.

8. Liu plans to implement his total supply chain solution strategy by adding services, such as money settlement and customs clearance at the bases.

9. Since velocity times supply of money equals the gross domestic product, the money supply can be expected to grow comparatively rapidly to support GDP growth.

10. So the conflicting figures of price and money supply growth will make officials look for more indicators before deciding their next move.

money supply 英英释义


1. the total stock of money in the economy
    currency held by the public plus money in accounts in banks