
monger ['mʌŋgə]  ['mʌŋgə] 

monger 基本解释



monger 网络解释


1. 商人,贩子:10. weird 不可思议的,离奇的 | 11. monger 商人,贩子 | 12. fad 一时流行的风尚

2. 商人:moneywort 珍珠菜 | monger 商人 | mongline 单线

3. 贩子:moneywage 现金工资 | monger 贩子 | mongersforsale 贩子

monger 单语例句

1. monger什么意思

1. Modern dance Monger is a new work from Israeli choreographer Barak Marshall.

2. Both Obama and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to scare monger by exaggerating " security concerns ".

monger 英英释义


1. someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold

    Synonym: trader bargainer dealer


1. sell or offer for sale from place to place

    Synonym: peddle huckster hawk vend pitch