monosodium glutamate
1. 味精:特性: (1) 具有鲜明爽快之味 (2) 提高呈味强度 (3) 延长呈味韧性 (4) 具有脱盐的现象 (5) 可耐高温高热单一味精(Monosodium Glutamate)所呈之味予人之味感,短促易失,而味都 Aji Miyako 则令人有持久醇鲜的美味,回味无穷.
2. 谷氨酸钠:1908年日本化学家发现海带汤的鲜味是来自谷氨酸钠(Monosodium glutamate),从而发明了味精. 但直到2000年,科学家才发现味觉细胞上导致鲜味感觉的谷氨酸受体,证实了第五种名为鲜味(Umami)的味道,终於与中医学三千年来的「五味:酸苦甘辛咸」打个平手.
3. 谷氨酸钠,味精:monosacchavide 单糖 | monosodium glutamate 谷氨酸钠,味精 | monomethylhydrazine 甲基联氨
4. 谷氨酸一钠:4,4-二甲氧基三苯甲基氯 4,4 Dimethoxy Trityl Chloride | 谷氨酸一钠 Monosodium Glutamate | 亚硫酰氯 Thionyl Chloride
1. 谷氨酸一钠,味精(缩写形式为MSG)
Monosodium glutamate is a substance which is sometimes added to savoury food to make it taste better. The abbreviation MSG is also used.
1. According to Pi, no monosodium glutamate is used in the dishes.
2. Take the bowl out and pour the sauce in the wok and then add wet starch and monosodium glutamate.
3. The restaurant has a healthy concept, and does not use monosodium glutamate or artificial flavors or colors in the food.
4. Chefs have to learn how to cook with less oil, less salt and no monosodium glutamate.
5. The additives are mainly used in monosodium glutamate, soy sauce and other condiments to enhance flavor.
6. Instant noodles are always believed to contain much oil, preservative and monosodium glutamate.
1. white crystalline compound used as a food additive to enhance flavor
often used in Chinese cooking
e.g. food manufacturers sometimes list MSG simply as `artificial flavors' in ingredient lists
Synonym: MSG