
monstrous [ˈmɒnstrəs]  [ˈmɑ:nstrəs] 

monstrous 基本解释

形容词巨大的; 畸形的; 丑陋的; 与传说中怪物相象的

monstrous 相关例句


1. They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception.

2. Your behaviour in class is monstrous!

3. It is monstrous to preach hatred.

monstrous 网络解释


1. 巨大的:monstrosity 畸形 | monstrous 巨大的 | monsveneris 阴阜

2. 怪物似的:monster 怪物 | monstrous 怪物似的 | month 月

3. 妖魔鬼怪般的:witch 巫婆 | monstrous 妖魔鬼怪般的 | haunted 闹鬼的

4. 可怕的;极大的:prosperous 繁荣的,昌盛的 | monstrous 可怕的;极大的 | octopus 章鱼

monstrous 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 骇人听闻的;极不公正的
    If you describe a situation or event as monstrous, you mean that it is extremely shocking or unfair.

    e.g. She endured the monstrous behaviour for years...
    e.g. I just hope the people who committed this monstrous evil will be able to live with themselves.

Your husband's family has behaved monstrously.

2. (令人不悦之物)巨大的;特大规模的
    If you describe an unpleasant thing as monstrous, you mean that it is extremely large in size or extent.

    e.g. ...a monstrous copper edifice...
    e.g. It was blowing a monstrous gale.

It would be monstrously unfair...
Monstrously inflated prices are designed to keep people like us at bay.

3. 可怕的;丑陋怪异的
    If you describe something as monstrous, you mean that it is extremely frightening because it appears unnatural or ugly.

    e.g. ...the film's monstrous fantasy figure.

monstrous 单语例句

1. monstrous的近义词

1. Together they encounter a pair of female con artists and combat a monstrous villain.

2. Guarding the monstrous Ramos proved too tall an order for Zhai and Zhu, whose scoring momentum was hampered by fierce body contact in the paint.

3. I reminisce of my childhood that it was a monstrous statue, as I now stand dwarfed under the China Pavilion.

4. The controversy has grown into such monstrous proportions that it appears to have touched a raw nerve with the authorities.

5. It was a monstrous performance by Nowitzki, who seemed to swish nearly everything he put up.

6. Cosplay characters are easy for them, whether monstrous insects or sexy goddesses.

7. monstrous

7. " The campaign against this monstrous disease started late in our province, " said Wu.

8. monstrous

8. But the incident reminded me of my childhood when I had to dodge monstrous barking dogs in my apartment building.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. This may sound like a monstrous task but it is achievable and needed.

monstrous 英英释义



1. distorted and unnatural in shape or size
    abnormal and hideous

    e.g. tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas
           twisted into monstrous shapes

    Synonym: grotesque

2. shockingly brutal or cruel

    e.g. murder is an atrocious crime
           a grievous offense against morality
           a grievous crime
           no excess was too monstrous for them to commit

    Synonym: atrocious flagitious grievous

3. abnormally large