
moods [mu:dz]  [mu:dz] 



moods 基本解释
心情;语气( mood的名词复数 );气氛;坏心境;
moods 网络解释


1. 情绪:1864年出版第一本长篇小说<<情绪>>(Moods). 而真正使她名扬天下的则是1868年所出版的<<小妇人>>(Little Women),并由此奠定了文坛的地位. 继<<小妇人>>之后,奥尔科特还陆续以自己童年经验为题材,

2. 心情:情绪在身(脑)、心(行为)中的相关性、情绪和信念、判断与价值之关系?情绪和理性是对立的?情绪可以是理性的吗?情绪(emotion)感觉(feeling)、心情(moods)有何差异?在道德判断中,情绪扮演何种角色?我们如何知道别人的感受?入门的情绪哲学问题

3. 人气:mobile-phone banking 移动电话银行业 | moods 人气 | net potato 网虫

4. 人气 来源:考试大:mobile-phone banking 移动电话银行业 | moods 人气 来源:考试大 | net potato 网虫 来源:考试大

moods 单语例句

1. As time went by and large groups of tourists kept coming, discontent and resentful moods intensified.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. She was impressed by Yang's abilities to capture subjects'moods and use perspective to convey the rapidity of the country's transition.

3. You need to dive deeply and explore your moods, because you're in a really good position to make a seriously positive change!

4. A new Gallup poll of national moods finds that France is the gloomiest nation when it comes to their economic outlook for 2011.

5. Leher advises that creative professionals produce in their " manic " moments, while editing or perfecting their work when moods swing to lows.

6. moods在线翻译

6. Fang also stressed that some citizens vote as a way to express their negative moods and some even vote online again and again for fun.

7. Mostly I'm glad to have had enough time to see a few of Beijing's moods to gain some understanding.

8. If writers can surf on these highs and lows of moods, melancholy can turn into a fountain of productivity.

9. Managerial staff should pay more attention to the reasons lying at the root of their employees'foul moods.

10. It is based on erhuang - one of the principal aria forms of Peking Opera, characterized by strong and stable melodies conveying pensive moods.