
moppet [ˈmɒpɪt]  [ˈmɑ:pɪt] 

moppet 基本解释


moppet 网络解释


1. 娃娃:07 吻别 Goodbye-kiss | 08 娃娃 Moppet | 09 寂寞沙洲冷 Lonely alluvion

2. 小孩:mopoke 笨人 | moppet 小孩 | mopstick 拖把柄

3. 娃娃(大长今主题曲):02 百里香 Thyme | 03 娃娃(大长今主题曲) Moppet | 04 江南 jiangnan

4. 小孩,小女孩:snippet 微不足道的人 | moppet 小孩,小女孩 | puppet 傀儡,木偶人,受别人操纵的人

moppet 双语例句


1. With the unique position of Chinese jade culture in Chinese civilization, jade moppets occupy an important place in the traditional moppet culture.

2. Someone brought a moppet and put it on the haulm in the cardboard manger. pretended to be little Jesus

3. It was sent out by moppet.

4. On the other corner, children painted a manger with oil paint by means of their plump and dirty hands, made of chipboard. somebody took a moppet and hanginged it on the straw in the manger, pretending as Juse.

5. Mum asked my brothers whether they had moved the moppet, but they all swore not to do that.

6. This girl is such infatuated with new moppet, clinging to it day and night.

7. I took the moppet to the mother`s room and woke her up, I told what happened just then.

8. I went back home after school, I found the moppet had turned up again on the shelf in my room.

9. I asked mum whether she had changed her idea and picked the moppet back.

10. Mrs. Tabitha dressed Moppet and Mittens in clean pinafores and tuckes; and the she took all sorts of elegant uncomforable clothes out of a chest of drawers, in order to dress up her son Thomas.

11. Maybe it is through the visual enjoyment of this mascot-like moppet has wanted the author to fancy about a world of pleasure.

12. The originality of the botanic moppet seems to come from the folk fairy tale which believes that everything has a life.

moppet 英英释义




1. a little girl (usually one you are fond of)