
morality [məˈræləti]  [məˈrælɪti, mɔ-] 


morality 基本解释

名词道德; 道德观; 道德准则; 品德高尚的行为

morality 网络解释

1. 道德规范:答:这五戒是佛教道德规范(morality)的基础,而非全部. 我们先从识别恶、止恶学起,这就是五戒的用意所在,先停止作恶,然后开始行善. 拿讲话来说,佛教导我们应当先从不妄语做起,然后才是如实语、柔软语、适时语.

morality 词典解释

1. 道德;道义;伦理
    Morality is the belief that some behaviour is right and acceptable and that other behaviour is wrong.

    e.g. ...standards of morality and justice in society.
    e.g. effort to preserve traditional morality.

2. 道义准则;道德规范;伦理学
    A morality is a system of principles and values concerning people's behaviour, which is generally accepted by a society or by a particular group of people.

    e.g. ...a morality that is sexist.
    e.g. ...communities and their shared moralities.

3. 道德性;道德
    The morality of something is how right or acceptable it is.

    e.g. ...the arguments about the morality of blood sports.

morality 单语例句

1. He said it is also a reminder for the government to pay attention to business ethics and social morality.

2. School education should act as insurance for children's moral cultivation even if parents educate their wards in matters of humanity and morality.

3. After exhausting all means of seeking donations, her classmates decided to stage a morality play by appealing to the wider public.

4. What we need is a course in morality, not a code of action.

5. It is an economic activity that hovers around the red line of morality and the country's laws.

6. morality在线翻译

6. Most of these museums are now publicly committed to not buying recently looted objects, and the morality of collecting archeological objects has come under debate.

7. The " two wheels " of public administration are the rule of law and rule of morality.

8. The tricky theoretical distinctions and correlations between morality and laws aside, we believe that improving the rule of law is conducive to improving moral consciousness.

9. But before we trumpet the virtues of Confucian political economy we should recognize the fundamental inconsistencies here with Confucian morality.

10. What matters for Confucian morality is sincere enactment of one's personal duties to close social relations.

morality 英英释义



1. concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong
    right or good conduct


2. motivation based on ideas of right and wrong

    Synonym: ethical motive ethics morals