more quickly

more quickly

more quickly 单语例句

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1. She wants to find somewhere quickly so she can regain stability and become settled once more.

2. What at first seem like frustratingly dainty morsels of food quickly turn into a meal capable of leaving you more than satisfied.

3. And what at first seems like frustratingly dainty morsels of food, quickly turns into a meal capable of leaving you more than satisfied.

4. Obama's announcement was greeted more warmly on Capitol Hill, where he will need broad support to quickly push through tribunal changes.

5. Cardholder spending outside the United States grew particularly quickly, as more people in developing markets adopted credit and debit cards over cash.

6. Whether the latest export data will prod the central government to move more quickly on scrapping the export tax rebate is still unclear.

7. Japan's privatized building inspection system has come under scrutiny, with experts saying inspectors were under pressure to certify buildings quickly to gain more business.

8. I'm focused on interpreting the meaning of all that change for our company and how we can evolve more quickly.

9. Additionally the range of price movement becomes more extreme, with oil moving quickly towards $ 110 and then to the next target near $ 124.

10. The SIPO will have to train more patent examiners quickly in order to maintain the current clearance rate of applications.