

morse 基本解释


morse 相关例句


1. Morse flashing light / Morse lamp is still used in ships to send signals during the night voyage at the sea.

morse 网络解释

1. 莫尔斯:1791-1872 莫尔斯(Morse) 美国工程师,发明莫尔斯电码. 1796-1832 卡诺(Carnot) 法国工程师,热力学的创立者. 1797-1875 赖尔(Lyell) 英国地质学家1800-1882 维勒(Wohler) 德国化学家,首次人工合成尿素.

2. 摩斯:1844年 - 摩斯(Morse)证实用电报传讯的可行性. 1865伊利运河在改道前也流经市区中央,可以沟通五大湖区与连结经哈德逊河到达纽约市,更有利於货品的输送. 罗彻斯特的东南方即为五指湖区(Finger Lake)区域,

3. 摩尔斯电码:Morse signals 摩尔斯电码 | Morse 摩尔斯电码 | morsel 少量

morse 单语例句

1. The first internationally standardized Morse code which allowed signals to be easily transmitted via the electric telegraph was introduced the same year.

2. An aide said Bush came in while showing Morse and others in his party the executive mansion.

3. Gary Morse with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says the adult male is thought to have escaped from an unlicensed source.

4. morse

4. " We have and continue to receive a number of approaches from various parties, " Fortescue spokesman Cameron Morse said.

5. " And we have put considerable emphasis on developing products catering to the market in China, " Morse said.

6. " We still use Morse code and apply the ABCs of electronic technologies, " he says.

7. It also has a beacon for tracking Morse code and cameras for transmitting Earth views, as well as a student experiment to measure atmospheric pressure.

8. Mix in a dissertation defense, add a Morse Code of Statistic Acronym.

morse 英英释义



1. a telegraph code in which letters and numbers are represented by strings of dots and dashes (short and long signals)

    Synonym: Morse code international Morse code

2. United States portrait painter who patented the telegraph and developed the Morse code (1791-1872)

    Synonym: Samuel Morse Samuel F. B. Morse Samuel Finley Breese Morse