most specific

most specific

most specific 单语例句

1. Also on display are some 400 ceramic works of the Qing Dynasty, most of which were designed for specific orders from European dealers and consumers.

2. They should choose those investment channels which most suit their specific circumstance.

3. He said he was most struck by the overlap between the sessions on specific topics, leading him to conclude that job creation needs to be better coordinated.

4. most specific的翻译

4. Most other supplements have tended to target specific types of disease in early testing, like selenium or vitamin E for prostate cancer.

5. most specific的解释

5. Although there are no specific laws or regulations banning the establishment of public foundations, in practice most applications fail unless the organization is affiliated with a government department.

6. Candidates'looks do matter for some specific positions, but they make no difference for most posts.

7. This kind of stereotyping occurs most often when a considerable portion of the population from a specific region start to migrate.

8. However, most spring resorts also claim to treat and relieve a multitude of specific ailments.

9. But Gates'remarks in Prague were the most specific and clear that such a proposition raises the prospect of delay.

10. Qi said in most contracts signed by investors and immigration agencies, there was no specific provision to prevent investors from being exposed to heavy losses.