
mow [məʊ]  [moʊ] 




过去分词:mowed; mown


mow 基本解释


及物/不及物动词刈,割; 扫射; 皱眉头; 扮鬼脸

名词干草堆; 干草堆积处; 鬼脸

mow 网络解释


1. 莫斯科:上海银满濠国际货物运输代理有限公司 上海(PVG) 开罗(CAI)上海银满濠国际货物运输代理有限公司 上海(PVG) 特拉维夫-雅法(TLV)上海银满濠国际货物运输代理有限公司 上海(PVG) 莫斯科(MOW)上海银满濠国际货物运输代理有限公

2. 用镰刀或刈草机割:mosaic 斑纹状的,镶嵌,镶嵌的 | mow 用镰刀或刈草机割 | mower 割草机

3. 干草堆:mow down 摧毁 | mow 干草堆 | mowe 皱眉

4. 割草:movie 电影 | mow 割草 | much 非常多

5. mow:mixed office wastepaper; 混合办公废纸

6. mow:mercer oliver wyman; 奥纬咨询公司

7. mow:mixed office waste; 办公废纸

8. mow:ministry of works; 工程部

mow 词典解释

1. (用割草机)割,刈
    If you mow an area of grass, you cut it using a machine called a lawn mower.

    e.g. He continued to mow the lawn and do other routine chores.

相关词组:mow down

mow 单语例句

1. The grass is always greener on the other side until you have to mow it, or something.

2. mow

2. Administrators say the city is making do with about half of the 80 employees hired last summer to mow parks and cemeteries.

3. mow在线翻译

3. Dai Tianya told the victims'relatives that he was walking by when he saw a car mow down the woman and her child.

4. He claimed to have been present at the square when " troops arrived with machine guns to mow down students in the hundreds ".

5. How can one crazy person mow down so many others, people he probably didn't even know?

mow 英英释义



1. a loft in a barn where hay is stored

    Synonym: hayloft haymow


1. make a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip

    e.g. mop and mow
           The girl pouted

    Synonym: pout mop

2. cut with a blade or mower

    e.g. mow the grass

    Synonym: cut down