
mug [mʌg]  [mʌɡ] 







mug 基本解释

名词马克杯,杯子; <口>容易受骗的人; <俚>脸; 一缸子(的量)

及物动词对…行凶抢劫; (尤指在舞台上或摄影机前)扮鬼脸,扮怪相

mug 相关例句


1. While walking along a side street, Dick was mugged by two youths.


1. The kid mugged at the cameraman.


1. He's got an ugly mug.

2. He drank a mug of coffee.

3. Tony was scolded for pulling ill-mannered mugs.

mug 网络解释


1. 马克杯:( -- 一個絕緣良好的馬克杯(mug)能讓你的咖啡保有些許溫熱,不過科學家現在設計出一款高科技的馬克杯,那能夠讓冷飲或熱飲在完美的溫度下維持多達半個小時.

2. 音乐游戏:ps3 吉它英雄史密斯飞船(只卖软体) 类型:音乐游戏(mug) 会员价:700元 红利点数:7点二手商品须知 ... ps3 末世骑士-亚英文版 类型:动作游戏(act) 会员价:1430元 红利点数:14点

3. 带柄啤酒杯:10、带柄啤酒杯(Mug) 主要用于盛载生啤酒. 11、白兰地酒杯(Snifter) 主要用于盛载白兰地酒. 12、利口酒杯(Liqueur) 用于盛载利口酒. 13、甜酒杯(Pony) 多用来盛载利口酒和甜点酒. 14、酸酒杯(Sour) 用于盛载酸味鸡尾酒和部分短饮鸡尾酒.

4. mug:music game; 音乐节拍游戏

mug 词典解释

1. 马克杯(用来喝热饮的有柄大杯子)
    A mug is a large deep cup with straight sides and a handle, used for hot drinks.

    e.g. He spooned instant coffee into two of the mugs.

2. 对…行凶抢劫
    If someone mugs you, they attack you in order to steal your money.

    e.g. I was walking out to my car when this guy tried to mug me...
    e.g. He has been mugged more than once.

Bank robberies, burglaries and muggings are reported almost daily in the press...
We usually think of a victim of mugging as being someone elderly.

3. 傻瓜;易受骗者
    If you say that someone is a mug, you mean that they are stupid and easily deceived by other people.

    e.g. He's a mug as far as women are concerned...
    e.g. I feel such a mug for signing the agreement.

4. (不值得一做的)傻瓜的游戏,傻事
    If you say that an activity is a mug's game, you mean that it is not worth doing because it does not give the person who is doing it any benefit or satisfaction.

    e.g. I used to be a very heavy gambler, but not any more. It's a mug's game...
    e.g. Dieting is a mug's game.

5. mug在线翻译

5. 脸;面孔
    Some-one's mug is their face.

    e.g. He managed to get his ugly mug on the telly.

相关词组:mug up

mug 单语例句

1. The artist is famous for taking candid mug shots of celebrities that reflect their personalities and complexities.

2. mug

2. Coffee powder is placed within the chamber, and hot water is allowed to drip slowly into the mug below.

3. She was barely seen without mug in hand, and gamely clinked glasses with guests as she made her rounds.

4. mug

4. Taped to a lamppost across the street is a 2009 wanted poster, with the mug shots and descriptions of four men allegedly responsible for fatal shootings.

5. mug是什么意思

5. It's like a rich dark chocolate bar melted in a mug.

6. The name's Latin origin means " priceless one ", according to the words on the mug.

7. The major Internet portals in China immediately picked up the story, her mug shot appearing in almost every major news website as well.

8. mug

8. Nichols'mug shot was plastered all over TV screens, and highway message boards issued descriptions of the stolen vehicle.

9. I took a new canvas shopping bag, a new plastic travel mug and a used mouse to the shop.

10. The staff here are friendly and quick to keep your mug brimming, so bring a thirst to match.

mug 英英释义



1. with handle and usually cylindrical

2. mug

2. the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British)

    Synonym: countenance physiognomy phiz visage kisser smiler

3. mug的反义词

3. a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of

    Synonym: chump fool gull mark patsy fall guy sucker soft touch


4. the quantity that can be held in a mug

    Synonym: mugful


1. rob at gunpoint or with the threat of violence

    e.g. I was mugged in the streets of New York last night