
multicolored ['mʌltɪˌkʌləd]  ['mʌltɪˌkʌləd] 

multicolored 基本解释



multicolored 网络解释

1. 多种颜色的:multiclone 多管式旋流除尘器 | multicolored 多种颜色的 | multicolormulticolour 多种颜色

2. 五彩:Features: 特点: | Multicolored五彩 | Accessories: 附件:

3. 多彩的:multipurpose 多功能的,万能的 | multicolored 多彩的 | polysyllable 多音节

4. 多种色彩的:multicolored jasper 多色碧玉 | multicolored 多种色彩的 | multifaceted diamond 有刻面腰棱的钻石:商业用语

multicolored 单语例句

1. Multicolored layers were patiently added one by one, until the little gelatin tower was carefully unmolded to magnificent perfection.

2. The humble parka was given a glamorous makeover, appearing in lime taffeta paired with floaty tiered chiffon skirts in multicolored stripes.

3. Liana is conspicuous among the surrounding unassuming structures lining by the traditionally styled, massive mural depicting multicolored cod splashing in the sea that spans its exterior.


4. The Chiang Mai Zoo in northern Thailand already sells multicolored paper made from the excrement produced by its two resident pandas.

5. The Chiang Mai Zoo in northern Thailand already sells multicolored paper made from the excrement of its two resident pandas.

6. The thermometer has multicolored liquid inside and when lovers hold it together, their body heat can raise the reading on the thermometer.

7. During the festival, the door of every house is decorated with multicolored pieces of paper.

8. A third picture showed the singer in a black shirt pulled up to below the eyes standing against a screen of multicolored beads.

9. One looks like a multicolored stegosaurus tail, another like a giant stylized number seven made out of jade.

10. People enjoy ancient towns for their multicolored architecture and the leisure time they provide.

multicolored 英英释义


1. having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly

    e.g. a jester dressed in motley
           the painted desert
           a particolored dress
           a piebald horse
           pied daisies

    Synonym: motley calico multicolor multi-color multicolour multi-colour multi-colored multicoloured multi-coloured painted particolored particoloured piebald pied varicolored varicoloured