
muscat [ˈmʌskæt]  [ˈmʌsˌkæt, -kət] 

muscat 基本解释
muscat 网络解释

1. 马斯喀特:马斯喀特(Muscat)是伊斯兰教君主领地阿曼迷人的首都,与大海紧紧相连,它丰富多彩的历史可以追溯到公元前2500年. 入侵、占领和不同部落的统治为阿曼留下了各种遗产,使它成为了一块充满了鲜明对比的土地;贝都因人仍居住于瓦希伯大沙漠中,

2. 麝香葡萄:经过漫长的学徒之后,他在1850年离开了法国,开始把所学到的技术和知识应用于意大利葡萄. 回到意大利之后,Carlo和他的兄弟Edoardo在种植了麝香葡萄(Muscat)的起泡酒产地Asti的Canelli建起了他们的酒厂,开始了酿酒的试验.

3. 麝香:酿酒葡萄可分为当地4中优质葡萄中的任何一种:雷司令(Riesling),琼瑶浆(Gewurztraminer)麝香(Muscat)和灰比诺(Pinot Gris),而且应该是同年份的葡萄酿制的酒.

4. 阿曼:马斯喀特:他是在马来西亚航空公司与海湾航空公司(Gulf Air)签署代码共享合约仪式后作出上述表示. 列席者还有海湾航空公司副总裁法利. 这项协议将在9月18日生效,马来西亚航空公司乘客可乘搭海湾航空公司的飞机飞往巴林及阿曼马斯喀特(Muscat)国际机场.

muscat 单语例句

1. A sample of muscat flavor Doraemon Chocolate Gummy was found to contain excessive melamine, the Centre for Food Safety said yesterday.

2. He found it hard going at first, learning how to make wines such as cabernet sauvignon and muscat hamburg.

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3. Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat described the prime minister's vote as " inexplicable, " saying he had once again ignored how the people voted in the referendum.

4. muscat的意思

4. The new area is one of the country's major production bases of Muscat grape, winter dates and aquatic products.

5. Oman's capital Muscat is an emerging aviation hub, with Oman Air increasing its international nonstop services.

6. The company has set up offices in Muscat and Munich, and is planning to open offices in North and South Americas by 2016.

7. The Muscat relay is the only run so far carried out in the afternoon and evening.

8. muscat的反义词

8. There are also some Melon de Bourgogne grapes, better known in the western Loire Atlantic region as Muscat.

9. His solution is to hire local employees, such as his Arabic manager in Muscat.

10. The agency said protesters blocked the main road in the industrial town of Sohar, more than 200 kilometers northwest of Muscat.

muscat 英英释义




1. sweet aromatic grape used for raisins and wine

    Synonym: muscatel muscat grape

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2. wine from muscat grapes

    Synonym: muscatel muscadel muscadelle

3. any of several cultivated grapevines that produce sweet white grapes

    Synonym: muskat