
mushy [ˈmʌʃi]  [ˈmʌʃi, ˈmʊʃi] 

mushy 基本解释

形容词糊状的; 感情脆弱的,感伤的


名词糊状物; 脆弱的感情,感伤

mushy 网络解释

1. 感伤的:mushroom 蘑菇 | mushy 感伤的 | music book 乐谱

2. 软糊状的:1. stifled 窒息的 | 2. mushy 软糊状的 | 3. tepid 微温的

3. 浓粥状的:mushrooms 蕈类 | mushy 浓粥状的 | mushysoupy 糊状的

4. 多孔隙的:mushwoundcoil 散绕线圈 | mushy 多孔隙的 | mushyconcrete 浆状混凝土

mushy 词典解释

1. (蔬菜和水果)软塌塌的
    Vegetables and fruit that are mushy are soft and have lost most of their shape.

    e.g. When the fruit is mushy and cooked, remove from the heat.

2. 感伤的;多愁善感的;多情的
    If you describe someone or something as mushy, you mean that they are very sentimental.

    e.g. Don't go getting all mushy and sentimental.

mushy 单语例句

1. Do not overcook this dish as the vegetables will disintegrate and become mushy.

2. The chicken falls off the bone, but does not get mushy.

3. They baked up juicy with a firm yet yielding bite that was not at all mushy.

mushy 英英释义


1. effusively or insincerely emotional

    e.g. a bathetic novel
           maudlin expressions of sympathy
           mushy effusiveness
           a schmaltzy song
           sentimental soap operas
           slushy poetry

    Synonym: bathetic drippy hokey maudlin mawkish kitschy schmaltzy schmalzy sentimental soppy soupy slushy

2. having the consistency of mush