1. 乐谱:organist 手风琴手 | musical note 乐谱 | medieval adj,中世纪
2. 纯音:音程 musical interval | 纯音 musical note | 音阶 musical scale
3. 樂譜娛樂音樂:57976樂聲影院娛樂舞影劇院名稱Lux Theatre | 57977樂譜娛樂音樂musical note | 57978樂譜夾子娛樂爵士樂music-case
1. musical note
1. The cacophony of instructions adds a somewhat musical note to the eeriness of the scene.
2. It's a good idea because the piano helps them recognize each musical note.
3. The main cauldron of the Beijing Olympic Games looked like a bird's eye view of a huge musical note.