
mutants [m'ju:tənts]  [m'ju:tənts] 


mutants 基本解释
<生>突变体( mutant的名词复数 );
mutants 网络解释

1. 关卡:Beseiged 围城 | Mutants 关卡: | The Return OF The Slugs 返回的蛞蝓

2. 我想要結識的人:最喜歡的電視節目: sEx aNd ThE CiTy..... | 關於我: gUeSS wHaT i rEaLLy aM........ a SiNNeR oR a sAiNt???? | 我想要結識的人: mUtAnTs!!!!

mutants 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Magneto resents the ruling humans'attempts to control mutants and espouses violence, while the professor favors reasoned calm and understanding.

2. mutants在线翻译

2. The story follows the battle among mutants when a cure is discovered that would strip them of their powers and make them human.

3. Magneto resents the ruling humans'attempts to control mutants and espouses violence, while the professor favours reason and understanding.

4. mutants的反义词

4. The mutants are more pumped up and angry this time, rather than misunderstood and conflicted.

5. This is the third and presumably last film about the powerful Marvel Comics mutants.