
muzzy [ˈmʌzi]  [ˈmʌzi] 

muzzy 基本解释


形容词迷糊的; 昏头昏脑的; 模糊的; 不清晰的

muzzy 相关例句


1. The television picture's muzzy.

muzzy 网络解释

1. 发呆的:muzzleloading 前装式的 | muzzy 发呆的 | my 我的

2. 迷惑的:fuzzy 模糊的 | muzzy 迷惑的 | slur 发音含糊

3. 发呆的/无精神的/酩酊的:muzz /使发呆/使迟钝/ | muzzy /发呆的/无精神的/酩酊的/ | my /我的/表示亲切的招呼语/吾/

4. 头脑糊涂的:叛变的;反抗的 Mutinous | 头脑糊涂的 Muzzy | 多才多艺的 Myriad-minded

muzzy 词典解释

1. (通常由于生病或饮酒过多而)头脑糊涂的,昏昏沉沉的
    If someone feels muzzy, they are confused and unable to think clearly, usually because they are ill or have drunk too much alcohol.

2. muzzy在线翻译

2. (照片或电视图像)模糊不清的,蒙眬的
    If a photograph or television picture is muzzy, it is unclear.

muzzy 英英释义



1. confused and vague
    used especially of thinking

    e.g. muddleheaded ideas
           your addled little brain
           woolly thinking
           woolly-headed ideas

    Synonym: addled befuddled muddled woolly wooly woolly-headed wooly-minded

2. indistinct or hazy in outline

    e.g. a landscape of blurred outlines
           the trees were just blurry shapes

    Synonym: bleary blurred blurry foggy fuzzy hazy