my boy

my boy

my boy 单语例句

1. I have been bombarded by criticism about my choice of a Chinese school for my English boy.

2. School is out for my little boy in six weeks and then it's a whole load of uncertainty.

3. my boy

3. When he looks into my eyes he always sees his little boy who sat on his lap and asked dumb questions.

4. When my little boy sneezes I fly into a blind panic and tell his mother to rush him to the nearest clinic.

5. My boy was so healthy, how could he suddenly have a heart attack?

6. " I only gave promises to my mom when I was a small boy, " he snapped when Iranian reporters prodded him to promise a quick launch.

7. The Harry Potter star is shooting British TV drama My Boy Jack and part of the role requires Radcliffe to ride a motorbike.

8. " I know my dad and my mom mean well for me, " the boy whispered to a reporter.

9. When my boy goes back to class after Christmas and asks what his classmates received, will he tell them they were too naughty to benefit?


10. In my middle school years, some girls never even looked a boy in the eyes.