
nab [næb]  [næb] 







nab 基本解释


及物动词逮捕; 捉住,逮住; 抢夺

nab 相关例句



1. The police nabbed the thief.

2. He nabbed the best seat in the house.

3. The thief was nabbed by the police.

nab 网络解释


1. (美国)全国广播协会:在美国全国广播协会(NAB)的DVB馆款待了来自丹麦的ProTelevision公司的代表,这些代表展示了第一台商用的、符合DVB-H和DVB-T的调制器,现在很多这种调制器已经被售出.

2. 澳大利亚国民银行:澳大利亚:国民银行(NAB)11月份商业状况指数 12月08日 1130/0030 澳大利亚:3季度经常帐盈余 12月08日 1245/0345 日本:财务省(MOF)公布30年期国债招标结果 12月08日 1400/0500 日本:内阁办公室发布10月份领先、同步、滞后指标初值 12月08日 1400/0500 日本:内阁办公室发布11月份经济观察家调查报告 12月08日 1500/0600 日本:内

3. 水下礁丘:NAAQS 全国环境空气质量标准 | nab 水下礁丘 | nabla 微分算符

4. nab:nut and bolt; 螺母及螺栓

5. nab:nocturnal acid breakthrough; 夜间酸突破现象

6. nab:network adapter board; 网络适配板

7. nab:navigational aid to bombing; 轰炸导航设备

nab 词典解释

1. 抓住;逮捕
    If people in authority such as the police nab someone who they think has done something wrong, they catch them or arrest them.

    e.g. He killed 12 people before the authorities finally nabbed him...
    e.g. Soon he was back in the armed robbery business. Again, he got nabbed.

nab 单语例句

1. Two cab drivers joined hands to nab a man who had robbed a woman in Tianjin municipality in the early hours of last Saturday.

2. Located on Hufang Lu, the establishment has improved its facilities and services in order to nab the additional star.

3. nab的反义词

3. NAB's 20 percent stake is the maximum it could have bought under the China's current regulations.

4. Li Ziqing felt he needed to do his part when authorities started a nationwide campaign to nab fugitives and kidnappers.

5. The sooner a worldwide extradition mechanism is established, the more effective the net to nab corrupt officials will become.

6. In 2006 the vigilante made a pledge to stop thieves, and since then helped nab at least 100 criminals in his home province of Liaoning.

7. What is in dire need are social mechanisms to effectively nab corruption at its initial, small stages.

8. nab

8. A homeowner helped police nab her burglar by pretending to have entered the wrong apartment in Gucheng of Hubei province on Sunday night.


9. The Ministry of Public Security has issued a circular nationwide to nab Ren and Ma.

10. nab的解释

10. Wen got lucky - she managed to nab the pink vest top without even having to fight for it.

nab 英英释义


1. nab在线翻译

1. seize suddenly

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. take into custody

    e.g. the police nabbed the suspected criminals

    Synonym: collar nail apprehend arrest pick up cop

3. tag the base runner to get him out