
nakedness ['neɪkɪdnəs]  ['neɪkɪdnəs] 

nakedness 基本解释


nakedness 相关例句


1. He didn't have enough clothing to hide his nakedness.

nakedness 网络解释

1. 裸:nakedly 赤裸裸 | nakedness 裸 | naker 定音鼓

2. 裸/明显/赤裸裸:nakedly /赤裸裸/ | nakedness /裸/明显/赤裸裸/ | nakhlite /透辉橄无球粒陨石/

3. 赤裸裸的事实:falsehood 虚假 | nakedness 赤裸裸的事实 | reticent 沉默不语的

nakedness 单语例句

1. nakedness在线翻译

1. Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden with nothing but fig leaves and fur to cover their nakedness.

2. nakedness的近义词

2. As for being medically examined in groups, what is to blame are the methods but not the nakedness itself.

3. Nakedness has long been an eternal and symbolic subject of Western aesthetics.

4. This nakedness, this new assuredness is a real step toward feeling.

nakedness 英英释义


1. nakedness的翻译

1. characterized by an attitude of ready accessibility (especially about one's actions or purposes)
    without concealment
    not secretive

    Synonym: openness

2. the state of being without clothing or covering of any kind

    Synonym: nudity nudeness

3. a bleak and desolate atmosphere

    e.g. the nakedness of the landscape

    Synonym: bleakness desolation bareness