
naphtha [ˈnæfθə]  [ˈnæfθə, ˈnæp-] 

naphtha 基本解释

名词轻油; 石脑油(一种石油馏分); 粗汽油

naphtha 网络解释

1. 粗汽油:泰光产业年产25万吨的AN(丙烯腈)工厂本月5日停产; SK能源粗汽油(Naphtha)分解第一工厂停止运行,这是自1973年竣工35年来首次停产. 年产100万吨乙烯的乐天大山石化把开工率从90%降至 70%;丽水湖南石化(音)也在讨论将NCC(粗汽油分解设备)的开工率下调为30%;

2. 挥发油:具体包括:将服务税从12%降到10%;延长用于发电的石油挥发油(Naphtha)进口免基本关税政策到3月31日以后;修改出口利润免税政策,确保特别经济区(SEZ)内外的企业均享受相同的出口利润免税政策.

3. 石油脑:石 油脑(Naphtha)的国际现货价格历年来基本上皆维持在200美元/公吨以上,2008年为原油价格巨幅震荡的一年,石油脑跟随原油价格大幅涨 落,2007年平均价格维持在每公吨650美金上下,2007年年底至2008年中开使大幅上扬,2008年六月出现每公吨1,

naphtha 单语例句

1. He said the blaze hit nine storage tanks holding mostly crude oil and some processed fuels including naphtha.

2. Problems have eased since May, although small firms had faced problems with gasoline and naphtha exports via Estonia.

3. The two ministries also said consumption tax on imported naphtha would be reinstalled, while tax on jet kerosene would be temporarily postponed.

4. The gas supplier eventually plans to use treated landfill gas to replace naphtha.

5. Its largest import from India is naphtha, accounting for more than half of imports in 2008.

6. Tax already paid on imported naphtha for the same usages would be returned, it added.

7. It will also only collect 30 per cent of the announced tax on naphtha and solvents.

naphtha 英英释义



1. any of various volatile flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixtures
    used chiefly as solvents