nasal cavity

nasal cavity [ˈneɪzəl ˈkæviti]  [ˈnezəl ˈkævɪti] 

nasal cavity 基本解释
nasal cavity 网络解释

1. 鼻腔:里面的部分,鼻腔(nasal cavity),被划分为两个较小的腔叫做鼻窝(nasal fossae)以及鼻中隔(nasal septum)(一个分隔的软骨和骨头). 鼻孔(nostrils)(或前鼻孔(anterior nares))都是外部的开口在前庭(vestibules)中,

2. 鼻腔人類人體各部:56801鼻喉黏膜炎(加答兒)醫藥呼吸系統catarrh | 56802鼻腔人類人體各部nasal cavity | 56803鼻塞醫藥呼吸系統nasal congestion

nasal cavity 单语例句

1. This was because vessels in the nasal cavity sent cool blood to the brain.

nasal cavity 英英释义



1. nasal cavity的反义词

1. either of the two cavities lying between the floor of the cranium and the roof of the mouth and extending from the face to the pharynx