national holiday

national holiday [ˈnæʃənəl ˈhɔlədi]  [ˈnæʃənəl ˈhɑlɪˌde] 

national holiday 基本解释


national holiday 网络解释

national holiday

1. 国庆日:妇女节在南非是一个盛大的节日,就像国庆日(national holiday)一样. 在那天,整个国家几乎没有人上班,举国上下一片欢庆,其热闹程度不亚于圣诞节. 妇女们穿上华丽的服饰,带上自己心爱的饰品,载歌载舞庆祝自己的节日. 政府到时也会组织一个活动,

2. 国定假日:think quickly 思维敏捷 | national holiday 国定假日 | subway 地铁

3. 国庆节:(16)take possession of... 占有...... | (17)National holiday 国庆节 | (18)in relation to 关于,有关......的

4. 国庆日国定假日:national holiday 国庆日 | national holiday 国庆日;国定假日 | national holiday 国庆日国定假日

national holiday 单语例句

1. According to a recent survey from the National Retail Federation, some 62 percent of women plan to buy clothing or clothing accessories this holiday season.

2. Such a long national holiday set the stage for a buying frenzy.

3. This triggered a date change from September to one month later to coincide with a national holiday.

4. This American national holiday began after the Civil War and honors deceased soldiers on the last Monday in May.

5. According to staff in the civil administration department of Dongcheng District, one couple did exactly that during the National Day holiday.

6. national holiday是什么意思

6. As expected, the civil affairs department witnessed a marriage registration rush during the National Day holiday week.


7. Thus the administration of the university decided to close the door to any visitors during National Day holiday.

8. The Forbidden City and other popular tourist venues will begin closing to visitors from Tuesday, just two days out from National Day holiday.

9. It was also the third terror strike on a Sinai resort in less than two years to coincide with a national holiday in Egypt.

10. national holiday的解释

10. People in the world's most populous country have come up with unique ideas to celebrate their national holiday.

national holiday 英英释义


1. national holiday在线翻译

1. authorized by law and limiting work or official business

    Synonym: legal holiday public holiday