
nauseous [ˈnɔ:ziəs]  [ˈnɔ:ʃəs] 

nauseous 基本解释


形容词令人作呕的; 讨厌的

nauseous 相关例句



1. The food is nauseous to the taste.

nauseous 网络解释


1. 恶心:有时吸入后会觉得头晕(light-headed)或者恶心(nauseous),但这种感觉会马上消失. 产妇可以自己控制气体流量,最有效的办法就是在宫缩(contraction)开始时吸入,这样就可在痛苦最强烈的时候起到效果. 通常由助产士(midwife)肌肉注射.

2. 令人作呕的, 厌恶的:affixion [拉]粘连, 粘着, 添加 | nauseous 令人作呕的, 厌恶的 | balance amount 差额(贷借) 余额

3. 令人作呕的:nauseating 作呕的 | nauseous 令人作呕的 | nautch 舞蹈

4. 腐臭:nauseate 厌恶 | nauseous 腐臭 | nauseous 令人恶心的

nauseous 词典解释

1. 想呕吐的;恶心的
    If you feel nauseous, you feel as if you want to vomit.

    e.g. If the patient is poorly nourished, the drugs make them feel nauseous...
    e.g. A nauseous wave of pain broke over her.

nauseous 单语例句

1. nauseous

1. But a seemingly growing clientele ready to buy dissertations to pass them off as their own makes me nauseous.

2. It didn't feel much like fun though as Coventry came out of the pool with sore legs and feeling nauseous.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. The smell from Zhao Feng's van is so disgusting that anyone sitting in the cab for five minutes begins to feel nauseous.

4. She was too weak and wobbly and hinted that she was nauseous, as well.

5. The 57 victims included a number of students who felt nauseous and suffered stomachaches after dining there last Thursday.

6. The actress is said to be nauseous and her legs are so swollen that she has to wear bigger shoes.

7. The snaking road is extremely difficult to navigate and one of our group became nauseous after a short ride.

8. This is to prevent the body from feeling nauseous and wanting to regurgitate even the water.

9. The 57 victims including a number of students who felt nauseous and suffered stomachaches after eating breakfast last Thursday.

nauseous 英英释义



1. nauseous在线翻译

1. feeling nausea
    feeling about to vomit

    Synonym: nauseated queasy sick sickish

2. causing or able to cause nausea

    e.g. a nauseating smell
           nauseous offal
           a sickening stench

    Synonym: nauseating noisome queasy loathsome offensive sickening vile