
nave [neɪv]  [nev]


nave 基本解释

名词教堂正厅; 本堂; 中央部; 车轮的中心部

nave 网络解释

1. 中殿:圣保罗大教堂管理当局为了减轻游人行走时,踏在中殿(nave)地面的纪念石碑上所造成的磨损,其中一个做法是把游人引导到中殿北面走廊的一个房间内. 他们在这个房间可以看到克里斯托弗.雷恩爵士(Sir Christopher Wren)在1670年代设计的4米长举行圣保罗大教堂模型.

2. 本堂:"本堂(Nave)內部之設計與1291年所考量之過時舊型完全不同,對北方法國建築風之影響,它回應了英國式之特質,寬敞的穿廊、高聳的穹窿、廣闊的室內空間、由線紋構成之裝飾細工及圖樣、及式樣繁複之窗飾和透光性佳之彩繪玻璃 ;

3. 中堂:唱诗班席(CHIOR) 在教堂建筑中,在后堂(APSE)与中堂(NAVE)之间或后堂与耳堂(TRANSEPT)之间的方形或长方形的空间,专供神职人员和唱诗班所用. 周围通常有台阶,栏杆或唱诗班席隔屏(CHOIR SCREEN). 唱诗班席也称作圣坛.

4. 中厅:四行柱子把空间纵分为五部分,中厅(Nave)高而宽,二侧侧廊(Aisle)底而窄,末端有半圆形的祭台. 瑞士东部世界著名的圣加城的圣加仑教堂的平面也为巴西利卡. 拜占廷建筑类型主要是天主教的巴西利卡教堂,故巴西利卡建筑也被世俗称为早期基督教建筑.

nave 词典解释

1. (教堂的)中殿
    The nave of a church is the long central part where people gather to worship.

nave 单语例句

1. She is capricious and nave, often making a fool of herself.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. A nave few would only believe dissenting voices in a public hearing could ultimately kill a government initiative.

3. The center alley of UCCA is dark with drifting lights across the walls and nave, which evoke emotional distance and make the paintings stand out.

4. It would be nave to simply hinge on a trend elsewhere without refining its own services.

5. Adopting a standardized rule to measure and evaluate all academic research works just like in a manufacturing industry is rather ridiculous and nave.

6. nave的反义词

6. The ban is nave and is reminiscent of when some colleges tried to ban students from falling in love more than a decade ago.

7. nave

7. While illegal betting has yet to be detected at an Olympic Games, we are not nave.

nave 英英释义



1. the central area of a church