
nay [neɪ]  [ne] 



nay 基本解释

副词而且; 不但如此; 否


nay 反义词


nay 相关例句


1. I permit, nay, encourage it.

2. I suspect, nay, I am certain that he is wrong.

3. There are many good, nay noble qualities.

4. We are willing, nay, eager to go.


1. The tally was three yeas and two nays, so the yeas have it.

nay 网络解释


1. 北京南苑机场:00 北京南苑机场(nay) 机 型:波音737-800 餐食:无 到达时间:10:55 成都双流机场(ctu...这个是八月七号的 中国国际航空公司 起飞时间:22:30 深圳宝安机场(szx) 机 型:波音757全系列 餐食:有 到达时间:00:55 成都双流机场(ctu) 里程:1446公里 历时:02时25分 630元 45折经济舱(v...1410机票+50机场建议费+60燃油附加费 不知道你

2. 北京南苑:) 北京首都国际机场 (PEK)上海浦东 (PVG) 北京首都国际机场 (PEK)上海虹桥 (SHA) 北京首都国际机场 (PEK)上海浦东 (PVG) 北京南苑 (NAY)上海浦东 (PVG) 北京首都国际机场 (PEK)上海虹桥 (SHA) 北京南苑 (NAY)上海虹桥 (SHA

3. 不仅如此:nawab 印度行政长官 | nay 不仅如此 | naysaid 拒绝

nay 词典解释

1. (用于对已叙述内容作更确切或强调的补充)不
    You use nay in front of a stronger word or phrase which you feel is more correct than the one you have just used and helps to emphasize the point you are making.

    e.g. He was grateful for and proud of his son's remarkable, nay, unique performance...
    e.g. Long essays, nay, whole books have been written on this.

2. nay

2. 否决;反对
    Nay is sometimes used to mean 'no' when talking about people voting against something or refusing to give consent for something.

    e.g. The House of Commons can merely say yea or nay to the executive judgment.

3. (no 的过时用法、文学用语或方言用法)
    Nay is an old-fashioned, literary, or dialect word for 'no'.

nay 单语例句

1. Wu arrived in Nay Pyi Taw after concluding his visit to Iran.

2. Most of them were saying nay while only a few showed their agreement considering Beijing's increasingly serious social problems brought on by its expanding population.

3. NAY PYI TAW - China's top legislator Wu Bangguo arrived here Wednesday, starting an official goodwill visit to Myanmar.


4. One of the first prize winners is Beijinger Lin Jun, whose horse didn't receive a single " nay " vote.

5. Wu arrived in Nay Pyi Taw on Wednesday to start his goodwill visit.

nay 英英释义


1. a negative

    e.g. the nays have it


1. nay什么意思

1. not this merely but also
    not only so but

    e.g. each of us is peculiar, nay, in a sense unique