

ne 基本解释


ne 网络解释


1. 去甲肾上腺素:1.2 去甲肾上腺素(NE):去甲肾上腺素(NE)学说认为抑郁症是由脑中NE合成不足和释放减少导致NE缺乏而引起的,目前在学术界仍存在着分歧. 许多研究表明抑郁症患者NE含量与对照组的差异无统计学意义,如Wik等发现抑郁症脑脊液中NE的代谢产生正常.

2. 精灵:平均起来一回合可以用两次(不死族当然只能用一次 不死族(UD)和人类(Human)会随着等级升高而提升血的最大值 夜精灵(NE)和兽人(ORC)的大绝需要瞄准,

3. 东北:二十八、风向:风吹来的风向,气象上常用十六个方位和静风表示,即北(N),东北偏北(NNE),东北(NE),东北偏东(ENE),东(E),东南偏东(ESE),东南(SE),东南偏南(SSE),南(S),西南偏南(SSE),西南(SW),西南偏西(WSW),西(W),西北偏西(WNW),

4. ne:northern-east; 东北

5. ne:nephropathia epidemica; 流行性肾病

6. ne:newera; 新纪元

7. ne:nig er; 尼日尔

ne 词典解释


ne 单语例句

1. ne的反义词

1. Our younger generation must gain some knowledge about the nation and the national condition and NE is an important channel.

2. Therefore I do not agree with demands for complete withdrawal of the NE program.

3. A selection of gowns from the collection of Zhang Zhifeng, art director of NE Tiger Clothing Company.

4. Dalian City is located at the east coast of Eurasia and the southern tip of NE China.

5. " It's never fi ne for over three days, " the old saying goes.

6. Later I found out the song is called Om Ma Ne Pad Me Hum and is sung in Tibetan.

7. The reason NE became so controversial is that the Hong Kong society still harbors considerable bias toward the mainland.

8. Then it's back along the dark trail of twisted sentence structures and de and le and ne.

9. The NE Tiger look comes from the Chinese elements, but Zhang does not reject the foreign designers'ideas.

10. His overuse of the " de " and " ne " particles, give away the fact that Mandarin Chinese was never his first language.

ne 英英释义



1. a colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube
    one of the six inert gasses
    occurs in the air in small amounts

    Synonym: neon atomic number 10