
necessary [ˈnesəsəri]  [ˈnesəseri] 


necessary 基本解释
necessary 网络解释


1. 必需的:注:*有限应用(limited applicability),**适宜的(suitable),***有重要价值(important),****必需的(necessary)损伤等级(AIS) 为使肌体损伤程度达到量化,美国机动交通医学会(1990)制定了损伤分级标准,如表2所示.

2. 必须的:二、花费是常见的(ordinary)和必须的(necessary). 「常见的」定义是,其花费在行业内、商业上很平常,被业者广泛接受. 「必须的」的定义是该花费对生意很有帮助. 这里的关键因素是旅行的主要目的是商业,其中穿插几天游玩也可视为常见的.

3. 必需品:2、 商品满足需要的属性:奢侈品(luxury)的需求,对价格是有弹性的,而必需品(necessary)是缺乏弹性的.

necessary 单语例句

1. It is necessary for SOE leaders to have their business expenses reimbursed.

2. Paying the costs for legally purchased software is necessary for business operations to be legitimate.

3. necessary的近义词

3. Effective policies should reflect today's business travel requirements, and managers need to make adjustments and recommendations whenever necessary.

4. necessary在线翻译

4. It is necessary for the government to step up its efforts in working with the business sector to narrow the wealth gap in Hong Kong.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. The company got the necessary approval from the State Drug Administration only last week and is now busy marketing the medicine.

6. New power generation will be necessary to buttress projected economic development, said Sun.

7. The legislation will also allow the government to buy up any kind of asset that top economic officials think is necessary to promote market stability.

8. An act of parliament would be necessary to enable a member of the upper house to become prime minister in the lower house of parliament.

9. These measures are necessary to give the people enough buying power to keep the economy going.

10. Enhancing budget restrictions and supervision by the people's congresses is necessary choice.

necessary 英英释义



1. anything indispensable

    e.g. food and shelter are necessities of life
           the essentials of the good life
           allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions
           a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained

    Synonym: necessity essential requirement requisite


1. unavoidably determined by prior circumstances

    e.g. the necessary consequences of one's actions

2. absolutely essential